Examen de centura Club Shinobi
Examen de centura Club Shinobi
Examen de centura Club Shinobi
Stagiu WSKF Kasuya
Canpionat national ESKU
National SpoChan Tournament - Sports Chanbara
the XII A edition of the European Sports Championship Chanbara rbt rbt rbt rbt
Sailling - Expedition of the Sporade Islands
Sparring Spochan Clubs
Starting with 10.00 - we are conducting joint trainings together with the Italian team (CE and CM en titre) in order to prepare the World Championship to be held in...
Antrenament grupe copii, proba manechin si traseu, stagiu arbitraj si tehnica kihon dosa si lupta armre lungi
Training camp for advanced and beginners athletes to be held in CHEIA Prahova
Circuit Turcia (Bucuresti-Istambul-Pammukale, Maramaris-Bucuresti